Yubico was founded in Sweden in 2007 with the mission to make secure login easy and avail- able to everyone. Working closely with Internet leacters and thought leacters, YuDlco has creat- ed native support for their security keys across major online platforms and browsers, enabling a more secure Internet for billions of geogle. Yubi- co's team is spread across 7 countries. This Brand have gained the trust of the largest companies and millions of users around the world.
One notable feature is that YubiKey is considered ultra-secure. One reason for this is that the phys- ical key must be used by a human and cannot be hacked remotely. Logln Is fast and reliable wlth a single tap, no download required, no batteries, and durable and waterproof. You only need one key to access hundreds of popular websltes. No user or security information Is sharect beWeen services, so your data is protected.
You can register a YubiKey with your personalac- counts and favorite digital services in Just a few seconds. The easiest and most common way to securely access millions of websites Is to connect the YubiKey to leaching cloud single sign-on pro- viders or password managers.
Facebook, Google, /vticrosoft, Gmall, Outlook, ln- stagram, Twitter, Youtube, Apple
tvtoblllty, lctentlflcation, payment transactlons
AGFA, CERN, DropDox, ctyson, Facebook, UCAR, Google, GOV.UK, Microsoft, NOVARTIS, sales- force, GitHub, etc.